10 Records worth to die for: #11 mit Alex Caverliere (Disidente)


2012 durfte ich Alex in einer Kneipe in Guadalajara, Mexiko, kennen lernen. Schnell kamen wir auf das Thema Musik und er erzählte dass er auch in einer Band spiele. Ein Kumpel warf in den Raum dass die Band recht bekannt sei, doch das leugnete er. Am selben Abend schaute ich mir ein Livevideo an. Massen die die Gitarrenmelodien mitsingen, der Wahnsinn! Am nächsten Tag trafen wir den bescheidenen Alex wieder und an diesem Abend kamen sogar Fans um ein Bild mit ihm zu machen. Alex hat sich seine Liste stark zu Herzen genommen und etwas länger gebraucht, doch das war es wert! Chinga su madre con Alex Caverliere y sus discos favoritos!
AC/DC – High Voltage
Well… Its AC fucking DC man, what else to say
Fugazi – Argument
Is their last album and the perfect culmination of their work. Beside their working ethic, Fugazi also made great records. The dynamic between guitars, bass and drums, are just perfect. Every time I listen to this album I learn something new, this guys have a lot of tricks on their songs.
Ramones – Ramones
Misleadingly primitive. Catchy songs with easily played chord progression. Beach Boys meets the MC5, way ahead of their time. I love Ramones. One, two, three, four!
Turbonegro – Scandinavian Leather
Punk, glam rock and great sense of humor shaking hands. Turbonegro does it all, actually you can hear a flute solo on this record. “Fuck the world” thats it.
Metallica – Kill Em All
When I hear Kill Em All for the first time, it totally killed me and change my life, for sure. Great songs, with great riffs, with great lyrics, right up in your face. Listening to this album, always make me scream: I give a damm!!!
Iron Maiden – The Number Of The Beast
At first I was scared by the album cover, I just say: Shit, this is música del diablo( Devils music ). Then I Hear it and it totally blow my mind. Twin guitars all the way with a killer bass and hellish drums. They wrote anthems, enough said.
The Hellacopters – By The Grace Of God
First of all, I must say that I love all of their albums and beside mention the greatness of Nicke Andersson. By the grace of god is packed of strong songs with a great sense of melody. This is classic rock, played with class.
Black Sabbath – Paranoid
When I was ten years old, one of the first riffs that I can actually play kind of well on the guitar was “Paranoid” and “Iron man”. They look pretty simple, but they’re not. They take their blues influence to the next level.Tony Iommi’s guitar riffs are so growlingly low and sinister, the sound of doom. They just do so much for heavy music.
Baroness – Blue Record
Since you play it, everything works well with the Blue Record. Start with an intro that almost make me cry, and then bang, bang!. The whole sound of this record it’s insane, a truly consistent piece of work.
Graveyard – Hisingen Blues
This was release in 2011, but with no problem it could be made in 1970. Blues, psychedelic rock, hard rock covered with a Sabbathesque sauce. Hisingen Blues it’s fresh air.

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