Martino ist Sänger der Band BOY aus Brno in Tschechien. Zuvor hatte er einen Plattenladen, hat Konzerte von u.a. the Adicts veranstaltet, war Tourmanager bei den Misfits und sang bei Mad Pigs. Erst kürzlichst waren BOY in Japan auf Tour und haben dort eine Live-Tour DVD aufgenommen. Diese wird im Frühjahr veröffentlicht. Jetzt aber zu den zehn für ihn wichtigsten Platten:
ORdER – Tape – O Dong:
ORdER from Toyota (Japan) are long-rurring punk band but during the time they changed their line-up from classic formativ: vocals, bass, guitar, drums to less typical line-up: bass, drums, vocals. Those guys are crazy, drug-addict and new stuff is not for everyone. But this album is absolut classic of japanese hardcore/punk-rock to me!
TURBONEGRO – Scandinavian Leather:
I really love TRBNGR. This band is amazing and you all know it! I started with Apocalypse Dudes and it changed my point of view how to write punk rock album. But then when i went through another records i have to say Scandinavian Leather is pure masterpiece and I can listen over and over for years.
THE CRACK – In Search of
UK punk rock and Oi! YES, YES and YES! This record is something between Cock Sparrer and Queen to me, haha. Amazing vocal, catchy choruses and this album stuck in your head for weeks. „This is My World“ or „Dont just sit there“ are classics!
THE OPRESSED – Music for Hooligans
I really respect this anti-nazi skinheads from England. I went through all their records when i was on high school and its cool! This album from 1996 is best! Typical Moreno´s relaxed vocal and catchy songs. Good album!
COBRA – Oi! Oi! Oi!
Street punk from Tokyo. Band was found in early 80´. interesting fact is that back in the days were that huge band, so they played headline show in Budokan hall, Tokyo. This spot was known for bands as The Beatles or Rolling Stones and now street punk band?! I saw them couple times in Japan and now they´re playing for 100-300 audience with the same power! I really love this band!
CROME DIVISION – Booze, Broads and Belzebub
Dirty, mean, rotten, stinky and loud! Love this rock n roll band and that record!
THE HIVES – everything!
Punk rock Beatles from Sweden! As 100% of their fans I really love thein singer and his jokes on stage. Somethimes its too much, but thats rock n roll!
HAT TRICKERS – Uitra Punk Droogs
Another japanese street punk band and good friends of mine. Look, if japanese dude decide to follow any style or band, usually the result is 75% better then original. That’s a fact. So when those guys decide follow Stanley Kubrick´s Clockwork Orange and The Adicts result was amazing. Incredible live show full of fake blood, fog and catchy punk rock. Very good record!
The cornerstone of the norwegian hardcore/punk. This record is packed in great foldout sleeve with great painting. Great hardcore songs and still can feel the raw, pissed off power! This is something like first Discharge 7“ EP. Pure fucking power and no joke! Im pretty sure the reason why all norwegian bands are that good is becouse somebody in 80´ wrote this record.
UPRIGHT CITIZENS – everything (even Color Yourself LP)
German punk is very specific and known all over the world. There is too many great bands but this one is my favourite! Some songs are pretty depresive and remind me old spanish bands as Paralisis Pernamente or Vulpe SS, but in other hand its like UK82. I also love their new sound on „Color Yourself“ from 1995. Thanks for this band!
Home Berichte 10 Records Worth To Die For 10 Records Worth To Die For: #5 mit Martino from Mars (Boy...