Scumbag Millionaire durfte ich im bayrischen Weissenburg vor etwa einem halbem Jahr live erleben. Die Band spielte am Vorabend in Hamburg und hatte nur wenige Stunden Schlaf mitnehmen können. In einem alten, mattschwarzem Van sind die Jungs vorgefahren. Heraus kamen vier Typen in Lederjacken, Sonnenbrille auf und lange Haare mit Mashcap bedeckt.
Der Ledergeruch konnte die Fahne der Jungs nicht ganz bedecken, passte jedoch gut und unterstrich das Image der Band. Die erste Frage war nach einem kühlen Bier gerichtet bevor man auslud. Als erste und zeitgleich betrunkenste Band eröffneten die Jungs den Abend. Es sollten auch die letzten sein die ins Bett gehen. Im nachhinein erinnern mich die Jungs an die Band “the lone rangers” aus dem Film “Airheads”. Beide Bands haben die gleiche Einstellung zum Rock n Roll!
Gitarrist Max hat uns seine zehn Lieblingsalben vorgestellt:
1Ramones – Rocket To Russia
One of the first punk albums I ever heard. I was a kid when my dad bought this record just to show me what he was listening to when he was young. Probably one of the catchiest records ever written.
2The Misfits – Static Age
A master piece! Who does not like this record? There are so many great songs on this one and most of them are less than 2 minutes long. That is awesome!
3The Hellacopters – Supershitty To The Max!
The best album ever recorded. The record itself is a proof that good music doesn’t need to be over produced. It was recorded in less than 26 hours. I have heard it so many times that it sounds more familiar than my mothers voice.
4Backyard Babies – Total 13
I remember I listened to this album a lot when I was 12 years old or so. But then I forgot it and I was never a big fan of BB. Until a couple of years ago when I found this old CD. It was not until then I realized how great this album is. All songs are great and it is pure rock’n’roll.
5Deadheads – Loadead
Gothenburg is the place to be this year. So many great bands are coming from here. I think Deadheads is one of the best active bands playing today.
6Gluecifer – Tender Is The Savage
Another great record from a time when this kind of bands grew on trees. The opening track ‘I got a war’ is like a punch in your face.
7MC5 – Back In The USA
Classic stuff. So many punk bands came out of this band. They were so much before their time.
8Turbonegro – Ass Cobra
Scandinavian rock kicks ass. I love the newer Turbonegro stuff with Euroboy. But you can really hear that he was not in the band at this time which makes this album even more punk.
9The Hives – Barely Legal
I wish I was a bit older during the 90’s. The swedish rock scene exploded with great bands, many of them are still active today. The Hives was one of the pioneers. When I discovered their debut album all I wanted was to form my own punk band. Those were the days.
10Sex Pistols – Never Mind The Bollocks
My favorite punk album! Its so classic that I have to put it on the list.
[…] 10 Records Worth To Die For: #8 mit Max Ljungberg (Scumbag Millionaire) […]