2 Tote während DOOM Show

- Werbung -
Während eines DOOM Konzertes kamen am Donnerstag in Santiago de Chile zwei Menschen ums Leben. Weiterhin gab es mehrere Schwerverletzte, von denen sich 7 in einem kritischen Zustand befinden.
Grund für das schlimme Ereignis war, dass sich eine aggresiver Mob kostenlosen Zugang zu der Show verschaffen wollte und es so in der ohnehin überfüllten Location zu Ausschreitungen kam.
Die Band selbst gab dazu folgendes Statement:

As a band & as individuals we are deeply shocked, saddened & distressed at the news that some of our fans lost their lives or were seriously injured due to the events that took place outside the venue in Santiago. This tragedy happened without our knowledge & was completely out of our control. The first we heard of this incident was when we were told to leave the stage after a few songs & taken back to our hotel. Only then did we receive trickles of information about the severity of this tragedy. We are in South America on a promotional tour & our gigs are usually very lively but always have a friendly & a party atmosphere. We had assurances that the promoter had in place sufficient security & safety measures. As this was our first time in Chile and we were unaware that such a thing could happen with such a devastating outcome. We would like to pass on our deepest condolences to the families & friends of those who lost their lives or those who were seriously injured.

Hier eine spanische Pressemitteilung zu der Tragödie:

- Werbung -

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