GONE TO WASTE lösen sich auf

- Werbung -

Das kam überraschend! Die Hardcore Band Gone To Waste aus Dortmund hat auf Facebook ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. Die Band hat sich 2009 gegründet und 2014 ihr Album Barking Dogs Don’t Bite veröffentlicht.
Hier das Statement der Band:

Dear friends,
this text is going to be a bit longer and it is not easy to write these words. At this point you might already know what this is going to be about. Still, we want to let you guys know the story behind it. We hope that the following does not sound too cliché and if it does, we don´t care.
We know it´s sad and we don´t like the decision either but after 7 years of GTW, we have come to a point where it does not make sense for us to carry on playing shows as a band. For the last years this band has pretty much defined our lives and took a great part in making us the persons we are today. No one will ever take that away from us and we are more than thankful that we could do all this for
that long. We are not too old or too cold for hardcore – we just had to find out that this band does not work in a way that is good for us any longer. We are all at different points in our lives and we are living in three different cities which would have made it even harder to carry on doing this. We will keep on going to shows as we still love Hardcore and you will still hear music from us in the future – all of us already have new bands going or are working on something new.
We will never forget all the good shows and tours we did, all the places we have visited and all the amazing people we met along the way. We are truly happy to be part of this scene. At this point we
want to thank Hannes Powertrip and Tim Stateless/MAD Tourbooking for supporting us, being our friends and always making things possible for us that we never could have done alone. No words can describe how thankful we are! We will not name any bands or people as we would probably forget way too many that should be on the list which would not be fair.
Thank you all for your great support – without you none of this would have been possible.
We will play all the shows we have booked until October 29th in Karlsruhe. There´s going to be a final show next year in March. More info will follow.
Much love,

- Werbung -

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