- Werbung -

Dogchains veröffentlichten 2014 ihre bisher letzte EP Give/Take. Die Band gab nun auf ihrer Facebook-Seite bekannt, dass sie derzeit an neue Songs für eine EP arbeiten. Diese sollen Anfang 2016 aufgenommen werden.
Hier das Statement der Band:

Hey there friends!
i know it has been quiet around us for a longer time, we barely played shows the last few months, you already recognized that.
some of you know that all of us live in different cities, things slowed down a little.

BUT one thing that you did not expect:
we are currently writing new songs in our basement. 3songs are already done, we are going to record a new EP in the beginning of 2016, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
the new songs will go on with the give/take vibe, but a little more ‚organic‘ this time..stay tuned, stay edge, dan/dc

- Werbung -

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