FACE TO FACE 2016 mit neuen Album

Die Kalifornische Punk-Rock Band Face To Face kehrt zu Fat Wreck Chors zurück um dort 2016 ihr neuntes Studioalbum zu veröffentlichen.


Kaliforniens Punk Veteranen Face To Face kündigen nach 20 Jahren Abstinenz von Fat Wreck Chords ein neues Album auf den Label aus San Fransisco an. Das neunte Face To Face Album soll 2016 erscheinen.
Face To Face Frontman Trever Keith kommentiert den Rückwechsel zu Fat Wreck wie folgt:

“Returning to Fat Wreck Chords for us is a homecoming. After 8 records on almost as many labels throughout our career, we’ve definitely been through some of the worst and best of this business. The fact that after 25 years  FAT is still going strong, is a testament to their commitment they have to their artists. We are excited about working with people who truly understand what we do and who we are.”

- Werbung -

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