MERAUDER: NYHC Legende lösen sich auf

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Die Metal-Hardcore Band Merauder werden sich auflösen. Das bestätigte die Band auf ihrer Facebook-Seite. Merauder gehörten mit ihrer Gründung 1990 zu einer der stilprägesten New York Hardcore Bands.
Hier das ausführliche Statement der Band:

This is one if the hardest things im about to do…ive been thinkin about this for a while.. And im pretty much 100% on this,,, like i said before time for new things. Nothing against any of my fans for your da reason ive lasted so long. But i hate da industry full of fake motherfuckers n which is now also da attitude of some of da old n new bands. Plus ive been doin merauder for to long time to end it. Only one merauder n its da one ive created n brought to a level dat others couldnt. Im sick of da haters of who suck their own dicks fo da half ass shit they do. And sucking hard for they most likely have da tiniest! To much Rock Star bullshit!! Its not needed or was ever apart of underground music n especially in Hardcore!! Well its all new age shit u can either follow dat shit to nowhere or do your research n do it da way it was. And bring it back but i dont see dat ever happening. So dats why im startin fresh with Akani n if u supported me for what i did in merauder then u wont be dissapointed when u hear Akani. But i thank everyone from da bottom of my heart for all da support n great times we shared on n off stage. You guys are my life n are everything i am today. Thank you thank you but im not out!!!just starten a new n hopefully yah will enjoy it! Love yah!! …. Oh its also our 20th yr anniversary this year so all da show we do will be our last ones definitly..

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