- Werbung -

Sworn Enemy gehört seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1997 zu den ganz Großen des New York Hardcores. So konnte sich die Band mit ihren Stil aus Hardcore, Metal und Trash und mehrmaligen Tourneen auch in Europa einen Namen erspielen.
Trotz einiger Besetzungswechsel veröffentlichte die Band bis heute fünf Studioalbum. Und laut Sänger Sal Lococo ist bereits Nummero 6 in Anmarsch. Wir konnten mit den einzig verbliebenen Sworn Enemy Gründungsmitglied ein kurzes Interview führen.

Interview mit SWORN ENEMY Sänger Sal

Photo by Derek Soto @ Sinestra Studios
Photo by Derek Soto @ Sinestra Studios

AFL: Hey, how are you? You’re currently working on new material. Have you more information about the new release? How when you’ll release it, will you release a full length or an EP and so on?
Sal: Only thing I can say about the new stuff we are working on is that it will be a full length, well I’m pretty sure it will be a full length, haha! Not sure when it will be done be when it is it will definitely be our best stuff to date I can guarantee it.
AFL: You already released an instrumental teaser as audition. When your fans get the first full song?
Sal: Teaser is all you guys get we aren’t giving anything else away.
AFL: What can the listeners expect on your new record? How satisfied you’re with the record and how distinguish the new one from Living on Borrowed Time?
Sal: You can expect this to be a sworn enemy record .. We haven’t recorded yet so I can’t tell you about it. It will have elements of everything that is sworn enemy so that includes Living on borrowed time
AFL: Which themes you threat on your new record and where do you get the inspiration for them?
Sal: I get my inspiration from everything around me.
AFL: Will you release it again on Rock Ridge Music or will you tread new ways?
Sal: I really don’t have any clue what label it will come out on
AFL: Do you still have the same line-up as on Living on Borrowed Time or had you some line-up changes?
Only change we have is the drummer is different.
AFL: Your sound is not the typically hardcore sound (if such a thing exists at all). Do you see yourself as a hardcore band or more as a metal/trash band?
Sal: I never put a label on the band we just play underground style of music.
AFL: How do you see NYHC at the moment? Do you often visit shows in NYC and have some inside tips?
Sal: It seems NYHC is going strong with bands like SOIA, Agnostic Front, Madball, Cromags and Murphys Law.
I try to make it to shows as much as I can but with work and my own band it is often very difficult to make many
AFL: Have you plans to come back to Europe the next times? Or what are your upcoming plans beside the release of your new record?
Sal: We would love to come back to Europe but we need to make sure it is a good tour or worth the trip for us to make it happen. Right now we got plans to go to Australia and New Zealand in November, we will also be traveling to Colombia for a festival in November, a west coast trip in December and right now we are on our way to Florida to play 3 shows. 1 with anthrax and death angel and 2 we will headline.
AFL: Thanks for the interview! Have you something to add or any last words?
Sal: Stay tuned for more music and more shows to be announced. Add us on Facebook.com/officialswornenemy
Thanks for the interview!

- Werbung -

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