THE BOUNCING SOULS geben weitere Details zum kommenden Album bekannt

- Werbung -

Das aktuelle Album der BOUNCING SOULS stammt aus dem Jahre 2012 und trägt den Namen „Comet“, aber dieses wird nun nicht mehr lange das aktuelle sein, denn ein Nachfolger befindet sich bereits in den Startlöchern.
Bouncing Souls - SimplicitySo dürfen wir uns schon mal den 29sten Juli im Kalender anstreichen, denn dann wird das neue Album mit dem Titel „Simplicity“ auf Rise Records erscheinen.
Sie schrieben dazu folgendes:

Who would have believed in 1989 we would end up making nine studio albums! and who knew George Rebelo would end up in the Bouncing Souls! Not us, but after he learned over 100 songs a did and couple of years worth of gigs we began to feel like some new version of the Bouncing Souls and time for a tenth.
We set out to recapture the spirit of our earlier songs, not over-thought or over-produced. In the studio our goal was to keep it raw and real, the feeling of a band playing live. When we asked our good friend and producer John Seymour to join the mix (literally) it began to feel like a mash up between the two records we recorded with him in the past: “How I Spent My Summer Vacation“ and „Anchors Aweigh“. Recorded this February in our beloved Asbury Park, we are really stoked with how it came out.
“Simplicity” comes out July 29th on Rise Records.

- Werbung -

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