THE CASUALTIES streamt Album "Chaos Sound"

- Werbung -

Am 22. Januar 2016 werden die US Nietenpunks The Casualties ihr neues Album Chaos Sound veröffentlichen. Das Album gibt es nun im Stream.

Erscheinen wird die Platte auf Season Of Mist Records. Hier der offizielle Pressetext:

THE CASUALTIES never cared about such bullshit. Once again the New York stalwarts give voice to the street with a three fists full of smashing anthems. In an age of austerity, corporate takeover of this planet, and rising anger ‚Chaos Sound‘ bristles with counter-culture rage translated into energetic riffing, barking vocals and a heavy dose of rock. Fierce but always melodic, THE CASUALTIES remain a far cry from teenage poster-boy industry created sell-outs that have become associated with their style. Instead the Americans openly draw inspiration from the early Punk legends such as THE EXPLOITED, BLITZ and CHARGED GBH. THE CASUALTIES are the real thing. Punk is not dead. #THECASUALTIES deliver the crushing proof of that statement with ‚Chaos Sound‘. Listen and rise up!

- Werbung -

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