THE FREEZE sagen Europatour ab

- Werbung -

Die Hardcore-Punk Legende The Freeze sagen ihre kommende Europatour ab. Die Band wolle sich lieber auf die Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Albums fokussieren. Auf dem Tourplan standen Konzerte mit FLAG, TSOL und Adolescents.
The Freeze wurden Anfang der 80er durch den weltweit bekannten Sampler „This Is Boston Not LA“ bekannt. Wir konnten mit The Freeze 2015 ein Interview führen, dass ihr hier nachlesen könnt.
Hier das komplette Statement der Band:

After many weeks, and much thought, we have dismayfuly agreed that touring Europe, and participating in Rebellion Fest this Summer, is not in our best interest as a band. We extend our sincerest apologies to our friends, family, and fans across the pond that were counting on us to be there. Our band promises to visit soon, but we must postpone our travels to you for now.
With that stated, we are all currently focused on writing a new full length album to be released with Dr. Strange Records. As well as producing new material together, we are working with Fixing A Hole Records, based out of Japan. They have recently released our latest Single, Someone is Bleeding, and we are activily persuing a Japanese tour scheduled for early next year.
As a whole, we are disappointed to miss out on seeing our European family this Summer, but we are excited to be working on new material, and continuing to keep up the good fight with this thing called „life.“

- Werbung -

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