THRICE streamen neuen Song "Black Honey"

- Werbung -

Thrice veröffentlichen am 27. Mai ihr langerwartetes neues Album To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere über Vagrant Records. Aus diesem hat die Band nun den Song Black Money als Hörprobe gestreamt.
Thrice Frontmann Dustin Kensrue sagt zu diesem:

“Lyrically the song spawned from an image that popped into my head: someone continually swatting at a swarm of bees to get their honey, but somehow not understanding why they would sting back in return.”

01. Hurricane
02. Blood On The Sand
03. The Window
04. Wake Up
05. The Long Defeat
06. Seneca
07. Black Honey
08. Stay With Me
09. Death From Above
10. Whistleblower
11. Salt And Shadow

- Werbung -

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