- Werbung -

Die Londoner Hardcore Band TRC hat ein neues Video zu den Song Take It veröffentlicht. Der Track wird auf ihren neuen Album erhalten sein, welches in diesem Jahr erscheinen soll.


This is how you lose friends and alienate some more, this nearly had me shouting again, coz from the bottom of this belly is a barrel of hate that you can’t take, I should’ve grown up but I’ll sing it again,
Hard times draw a line in the sand, you’ve not been training your legs so we can see how you stand, you wobble,
No spine, no fan of mine, fickle thoughts, fickle fuck, tough luck, we found you out,
You made it ugly, but that’s how it had to be to bring this out of me coz I said I wouldn’t do it again, but fuck it, paper down pick up pen,
What becomes of the ones who hold their tongues, I’ll keep your knife in my back, it lets me know I’m in front,
And I will burn the bridge and bounce barefoot backwards over this, I want my welcome home kisses, plus hugs, been lost for a minute, back now, show love,
like where’s it gone? As if we weren’t the band to put you on? And now your leaving messages with a weird username and forked tongues, snake head soup a taste of things to come.
Full glass. Full bottle. Some of us stay against the grain. Fair weather wash that away in the rain.
I put my umbrella up.
No class. No bottle. Your ways they remain the same. My pleasure. To Shovel this dirt on your name.
And bury you for good because your dead.
So we’re a nightmare to work with, for saying no to shit shows, all she gives,
months long away in the UK, empty pockets everyday, when I complained about it, all I got was out of office, pissed, so fill your bottles again, she’s stood side of stage, take aim.
Magazines still talking about us, saying we came close, do they know we bought our homes since we last spoke? (In London ; ))
Now I’m back on familiar ground, head to toe in true colours, you know where you stand with me, never follow the current, I know I was born to lead, head above the parapet, whatever comes my way I’ll handle it, doing it myself coz I’m stronger now, everyone can take it.
Fuck what you think of my style if I’ve changed
On a higher level always two steps ahead of you
Why don’t you, pitiful fools try catch up
Below par, can’t none of you match up
One more pride that will have to get smashed up
One more face I’ll be happy to slap up.
Look what you started
Made you a target,
Going in on all of you dickheads, regardless.
Crush your spirit in the palm of my hand
Do it coz your full of shit and do it coz I can
Now you unleashed a mad man
Re-think the game plan
Pull the plug on all of you mugs
See you in the front stage stands
In your same bait brands,
Bop along to bait bands
Next big thing with small lifespan
I’m sick of you.
Spit at you through hards bars, face it
Going ape shit on all of you, take it.

- Werbung -

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